
Schubert’s flow-wrapping machine, the Flowpacker, is a packaging machine based on a unique concept. This is because pick & place technology also plays a role here: Essentially, the Flowpacker is another variant of the pick & place machine into which the Flowmodul flow-wrapping unit is seamlessly integrated. Unlike conventional product infeeds via belts, the flow-wrapping machine saves an enormous amount of floor space with an infeed via pick & place robots. Naked or pre-packed products are packed into flowpacks with or without trays. Thanks to our sealing technologies, the packaging line is so flexible that it is possible to switch quickly and easily between laminated films and new sustainable flowpack films.

Hofäckerstr. 7
74564 Crailsheim
P.O. Box 1532
74555 Crailsheim
74564 Crailsheim
P.O. Box 1532
74555 Crailsheim
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Hall 10.1 | F030 G031