01.–04.02.2026 #prosweetscologne

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All events at a glance

The programme – experience ISM & ProSweets @home

Our digital trade fair format offers an extensive programme. You’ll find the full ISM & ProSweets @home programme in the Lobby. The dates and times of all events are listed in a calendar style for your convenience. You can flag specific events to highlight and automatically transfer them to your personal diary. Interesting seminars, exciting expert knowledge and start-up pitches await you. Be that on the Product Stage or the Expert Stage – here, you are in the middle of things.

The Expert Stage

At the Expert Stage, you will find ISM’s digital programme of trend seminars, professional information, our start-up pitches and many more.

Interaction through chat

You can ask questions at any time at the digital Expert Stage, too, giving you the opportunity to interact digitally with the speakers. Simply use the chat function provided on the page – with everything done remotely.

Live and on demand for you

The digital programme provides great flexibility to allow you to plan your time at the ISM & ProSweets @home events efficiently. Don’t worry if you don’t have time to attend an Expert Stage seminar live. You can watch it later on demand – a particularly useful function for trade visitors in other time zones.

The Product Stages

Curtains up for the products and solutions of our exhibitors – in the digital Product Stages each visitor to the platform can gain valuable insights into the latest industry trends, developments and products. This stage is all about short presentations by the manufacturers themselves. Take this opportunity to get an overview of the trade fair’s entire product spectrum and become acquainted with the industry’s latest products and best practices.

Global Competence in Food Stage

On the Global Competence in Food Stage, content from other leading Koelnmesse events worldwide from the competence field of food will be presented. Join us for sweet trends around the world and market information from various countries.